Monday, November 28, 2011

In My Mailbox --Vacation edition

Got from MOps for helping out 

won all this swag from @buckeyegirl31

thanks Harperteen

Thanks Harper books


  1. Oh! You got Pandemonium! I have it too...just need to read Delirium first. LoL

    Magical Urban Fantasy Reads

  2. I saw Pandemonium at the books store the other day and that cover is so gorgeous!

  3. Oh looks like a nice collection here. :) Sorry I haven't been around much, just got done with the Nanowrimo story. :D So I'm trying to get back around to everyones blogs. Hope all has been going wonderfully for you.

  4. Oh! Pandemonium! I am really interested to read it and see if I like the series more than I initially did. *fingers crossed*

  5. AHHHH- Im falling over with jealousy..!! Have a blast reading Oliver's new one...;D

  6. Awesome mailbox! Of course because of Pandemonium. But The Flight of Gemma Hardy looks interesting, too!

    Can't wait to see what you think of Pandemonium. I heard it was a killer.


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