Friday, July 6, 2012

The After Wife Book review

I admit that I read her other books and throughly enjoyed them. I also watched the Starter wife on the USA Network.

This book is a bit different start to her other books. It takes in Los Angelous. This book also hit more home because I have a friend who is going through this right now.

Hannah loses her husband to an accident. She struggles with the loss of her husband , and she has her friends nearby to help her cope. She deals with the normal day and life of losing her husband. She slowly starts dating . She finds that she has the ability to talk with spirits and also her husband.

Relationships with friends change , and she even road trips with her friends.

I have enjoyed her other books but this made me like it a bit more because of my friend going through this right now. I have seen how she is coping with the loss of her husband. I didn't find any best lines from this book, but there was alot of humor.

Book Review= B

Thanks to Ballantine Books for the book and this book comes out July 10

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We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks