Monday, July 16, 2012

Owe Publishers : Blogging Confession

What do we owe publishers and authors? If we accept ARC’s do we “owe” anything to them or just an honest review to our follower? As book bloggers are we obligated to do more than just review books? Post covers – participate on tours – host guest posts?

I am at crossroad with blogging and books. There is fine line with getting the ARC's and publishers and reviewing. I admit that I love to get books in the mail, and when I asked for a book ie. Insurgent . 

William Morrow sent a letter out about this topic and ARC's , which made this seem like a job, and I was only getting compensated by getting an Advanced Reading copy. I do feel that if given the ARC , then I should review the book and post my review in a timely manner. But that's not always the case. Life gets in the way of blogging sometimes. 

Reviewing and blogging is a job. 
1. Email publisher for book
2. Get book 
3. Read the book & take notes
4. write thoughts out & blog about it
5. twitter, facebook , email publisher 
6. Maybe host a contest
7. Post reviews to amazon, goodreads, etc

This is what normally happens with with me and doing a book review. I think we end up doing more than for just a book. If you can think of anything else...let me know. 

I think with being a book blogger we do a lot more for authors or publishers. I can't tell you how many times I see in my reader the SAME COVER Reveal or blog tours. I have become picky about what I participate in on the blog. I don't mind doing the interviews or guest posts on the blog. 

I had the most hits on my blog when I participated in the scavenger hunt for the Sweet shadows by Teralyn Child's. That was fun , and I even tried to play . I think everything in moderation when it comes to blogging. 

Where am I going with this : With getting an ARC , its a privilege and its a responsibility if you do blog about it , then write a review about it. 

I am not paid for book reviews and I am Honest in my Book Reviews . I hope that this doesn't sound like I am upset in any way. I am very thankful for the books, and the friends i have made through blogging.  I have found more authors to read, but when this hobby isn't fun it feels like a job. I must be feeling a little ranty and little bit of the blogger burnout . I hope that it doesn't come across this way as a rant. I do enjoy reading the finding the new authors but there are times it feels like a job. 

Can you add to the list of blogging stuff ?? 


  1. Sometimes it feels like a job to me too. But most of the time I really enjoy the books I get for review. I would be reading anyway. I might as well read review books as not. I do feel that sometimes I feel pressure because so many books sound so good and I accept more than I really have time for. But that is self-imposed pressure. My BBC post is here.

  2. I read the letter from William Morrow and although some of the wording could have been better and I believe there should have been more flexibility in the policy, I think it seems fair to ask that.

    I wonder it it stemmed from sending out a lot of ARC's that were never reviewed. It's a business for them and working with bloggers is a new frontier. I know it's our hobby and we need to balance it with real life but we tend to take on more than we can handle then complain how we can't keep up (myself included!)

    They have to draw some line somewhere. I think they went a little overboard on some things and this is definitely not a *job* for us. Other than the cost of the ARC we provide free publicity for the book and their authors. It often cost us money! We don't owe anyone anything.

    A blog is just our little corner of the internet to talk about whatever we want. No obligations to anyone.

    1. I totally understand and yes this is our only little spot in the world LOL

  3. I understand how you feel. Sometimes blogging does feel like a job. Many bloggers already work for pay and blogging is supposed to be a fun outlet. It doesn't take long before the commitments start to pile up, people start to make requests, and of course there's the obligation to readers. Next thing the blogger knows, the hobby has turned into an unpaid job.

    I think it's easy to get burned out, particularly if there's little reward.

    However, I think it's even more frustrating when outside forces want you to run YOUR blog they way THEY want. Your blog, Your rule. Bloggers should feel free to accept or reject content as they wish.

    1. As I have been blogging I have become picky about what I accept or do for the blog. But there is lot that goes into a reading and reviewing.

      Yes I am feeling the burnt out part more so this year than previous years.

  4. Anonymous16 July, 2012

    As an avid writer and author, I certainly appreciate anything book reviewers like you do for us. Sometimes you can't do everything (especially with 5 kids!!!!!), and nobody should expect you to. Since I haven't read the letter I can't comment on its fairness but just wanted to say thanks *giving virtual hug*--wait, I hope that's not too creepy;-)

    1. I love doing book reviews for books that I adore and I will spread the word of that book or series. Thanks for the hug and not too creepy.

  5. I think, at minimum, what we owe authors and publishers for receipt of a review copy is an honest review. Anything beyond that is entirely up to the blogger. I don't think we owe it to anyone to participate in blog tours or giveaways or anything beyond what we're comfortable as bloggers participating in. I'm not here to serve anyone. I'm here to get the word out about books. If a transaction transpires between me and a publisher or author my end of the bargain will include an honest review if an ARC is involved. I've had people ask me to be part of other things and I've declined which they never had a problem with. I'm exceptionally picky with that I take on to endorse. I'm not about to sacrifice that level of integrity just to function as a book billboard.

    1. I don't want to be a billboard for publisher and i am picky about that with publishers, but all I do try to do is a Honest review for the book.

  6. When I start feeling burned out, I head to the library. Why? There is no obligation to do anything other than return those books in three weeks! There are times that I would like to utilize the library more and be less reliant on publishers, even though it means that I'm not reading the latest and greatest release. It would certainly be less stressful :)

  7. I understand about the Cover Reveals annoyance--when I agree to do a cover reveal for an author, I understand that other people may be doing the same thing on the same day because they're trying to get the word out to as much of the blogosphere as possible, but when I let someone guest post, I expect it to be an original post, not one that has been copied to 5 other blogs! Maybe I'm too picky, but that's my feeling.

  8. When you list it like that it actually is a lot of work for something that is just a hobby for most of us ^_^. I think balance really is key when I first started blogging and first heard of netgalley I went a little crazy with requesting books and then I couldn't keep up with my request and felt terrible about not reading and reviewing all the books I requested but I have learned from that now and only request books I REALLY want and at the most two at a time.


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