Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mystic City Book Review

Aria is engaged to be married to Thomas. She doesn't have any memory of their relationship. She has lost a portion of her memory. She is the daughter of one of the richest man in town. Thomas is also the son , a another powerful man in town. Their Union will help the city.

Aria was in love with someone else. Aria learns more about the Mystic's and starts to question more about her family and friends. She meet and loved someone else.
She has to make some tough choices , and try to remember . She finds a locket and is saved by a mysterious boy a couple times. She realizes that things aren't what they seem.

This book reminded me of Xmen , and Dark City. I loved that there was a forbidden romance, and Romeo and Juliet was brought up. Also  the meaning of Roses was mentioned too. This book was a mystery, and family is important. There was mention of Stic which was a drug , and yes someone used it. I stayed up late reading this book. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book.

Best Line : It's not everyday a young princess finds her prince

So I do what any girl would do when  a gorgeous boy saves her life in the seedy depths of Manhattan : I let him take me away

Book Review= B-
This book comes out Oct 9th

Thanks to Random House for the book and this is my Honest Review


  1. Romeo and Juliet meets XMen, I'm down!

    Great review, looks like this will be a birthday gift for me! :)

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  2. That cover is pretty awesome!

  3. I have this waiting on my Kindle--can't wait to get to it! Hearing you describe it as being similar to X-Men makes me even more eager. :)


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