Thursday, October 18, 2012

Speechless & Bully Tour

This tour is a part of Teen Reading week , National Anti-Bullying Month and the Love is Louder . We are talking about Hannah Harrington , novel Speechless with talks about Bulling. 

High school was a tough experience for me. I didn't go along with the crowd and had very few friends. This was also a time when there wasn't social media, or cell phones.  Also with the girls it was love /hate with them. I had friends but not too many in my age group. I hung out with some of the younger people. No one of those girls I would call them my best friends. I think the only thing I had in common with some of them was the gospel . ( We went to the same church). But its tough when one doesn't always go along with the crowd. 

But also in high school I was picked on guy this guy all the time. He would name call me and overall he was a bully. Granted he wasn't always like this, only in front of his friends. I didn't like being picked on, and I didn't like feeling the way I did. I am sure he has no clue what he did to me in high school. 

Words do hurt , and luckily I had some great support and I did finally forgive my bully because I needed to move on. High school is tough , and dealing with peers even more. But I survived and made it , and I know that you can too. 

I am giving away a copy of Speechless and “Read for the Fun Mood” pens to support the Teen Reading Week

One winner from all entries during the tour gets an epic Prize Pack: KindlePaperwhite with Speechless Skin, 1 iPhone Skin, 5 Copies of Speechless to share with friends & family and 1 copy of Saving June!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About  Speechless - Goodreads,  amazon, Barnes & Nobles, Indie Bound
Everyone knows that Chelsea Knot can't keep a secret
Until now. Because the last secret she shared turned her into a social outcast—and nearly got someone killed.
Now Chelsea has taken a vow of silence—to learn to keep her mouth shut, and to stop hurting anyone else. And if she thinks keeping secrets is hard, not speaking up when she's ignored, ridiculed and even attacked is worse.
But there's strength in silence, and in the new friends who are, shockingly, coming her way—people she never noticed before; a boy she might even fall for. If only her new friends can forgive what she's done. If only she can forgive herself.

About Hannah Harrington  - website |  blog | Twitter | tumblr  |Goodreads | Harlequin Author site

Hannah Harrington resides in Michigan with one dog and too many cats. When she isn’t busy writing like a crazy person, she enjoys arguing about politics, watching documentaries, playing guitar (very badly) and speaking about herself in the third person. She released her debut novel Saving June in December 2011 and wowed readers with its intense subject of teen suicide. Her latest novel, Speechless (September 2012), explores the topic of bullying. You can find her online at

My Review of this book is here 


  1. I think this happens to more people than we even know about.

    High school was a horrible experience for me as well. (Even before that really) I was always so shy and people picked on me for it.

    But WE MADE IT!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story. While bullying is not something I'm familiar with having been home-schooled, it always makes me sad to think about how someone could purposefully be so mean spirited towards another. Glad to hear that you had a great support system, and that you were able to forgive and move forward with your life.

    Good for you! =)

  3. Thanks for sharing this--it's so important to spread the word about experiences like this, since so many kids that go through it think that they're alone.

    I already read and loved SPEECHLESS, so no need to enter me into the drawing, but awesome prizes!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  4. Thanks for sharing your story. High school is tough, and thankfully we only have to go through that once. I can't wait to read Speechless! Thanks for the great post.

  5. Thank you for sharing! It makes me so sad that so may people are bullied....and that people don't realize that they are bullying others...


  6. Good for you for sharing this. HS was not easy, I know. People, even who know better can be so cruel, not realizing the consequeses. You are brave and a strong woman. Love you!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I had a difficult 5th grade year because of bullying. I am glad i am able to use that experience to help my children understand the importance of treating everyone with respect and dignity.
    Petenjanna at yahoo dot com

  9. Thank you for sharing your story. I was bullied a lot throughout elementary school and a part of high school. The bullying really needs to end.

  10. Thanks for sharing, and for hosting this. The thought of having children eventually and having them grow up in the age of social media kind of scares me. I managed to get through high school just before all of this insanity, but it's a problem for so many kids and it can't be ignored.


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