Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Arclight Book Review

This is world filled with Light , Dark , and some Greys. There are some fades that are terrorizing the base or town. Marina is friends with Anne- Marie , and Tobin is the boy who doesn't talk to anyone. They are learning from Mr. Pace , who is also watching over Tobin.

Tobin has lost his dad to the fade while they were rescuing Marina. She can hear the fade before they come, and has already survived them before. She doesn't have memory about her life or even her parents.

Marina is able to communicate with the fade, and she meets Rue. Rue is looking for someone in the town. The Fade are interesting because they can change themselves, but they transmit their feelings. They also have a hive mind. Marina has an interesting relationship with Tobin. She kissed to distract him, but during the book their relationship is changing. Tobin also has issues with Marina because he lost his dad , when his dad went to save marina. She seems to get hurt alot and ends up helping Dr. Wolff , and is leaning towards working there.

This book was okay but it reminded me of Ben 10: Alien Swarm  and the City of Ghosts . This was a fast read and this world was different. I think that this book would be more for Kings fans. I also think that this book was an intro into science fiction. I love the cover and all those colors do mean something to Marina and Tobin. I liked that this book was light on the romance , and that it set up the world building. I thought that the relationship was gradual , but there is a slight triangle that might happen. I wasn't rooting for any person per say in this book.

Book Review= C

Thanks so much to Harper Teen and this is my Honest Review

from Ben 10: alien swarm movie 


  1. Thank you for your honest review! I am grateful for it.

  2. I like that cover so I'm glad that it means something to the story.

    boo to potential love triangle lol


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