Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Fire Wish

The Fire Wish
Net Galley
For Review
Random House
1st in a Series
July 22

Two girls are raised in different places . Najwa is a jinni , and . Zayele  is a princess. One girl makes a wish , and their lives are changed forever. 
Both girls end up liking a boy , and they also learn about the history  about jinni. Someone very dear to them dies. 

This world was amazing , and loved that each girl had a very different personality. One was fun, and spirited, and the other was polite. This book reminded me of freaky Friday. 

Book Review= B

thanks so much to Random House and this is my Honest review 


  1. Anonymous23 July, 2014

    I've been excited about the recent influx of jinni/djinn focused books, b/c I read a few when I was a kid and LOVED them. I glad to hear that this is a good one, b/c I'm supposed to read it too ;)

  2. I've only read one series that featured a jinni, but I've been dying for more ever since. Thanks for the recommendation!


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