Friday, January 16, 2015

2015 one Word and Fitreaders

I decided to pick a word for this year and it's Embrace --for all thing coming up this year.

I have also decided to do Fitreaders and I have been running almost daily and working out. I plan on doing some more races and some half marathons , and maybe a triathlon.


  1. Good for you! This is an excellent goal, sounds like you are well on your way to achieving it!

  2. Running daily is a wonderful start, and training for marathons are excellent motivation. Keep up the good work! I've been increased the length of my walks, but I am too lazy to track 'em, and write blog posts.

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads

  3. Love running, although after doing one marathon I said never again, lol. But I enjoy doing a half marathon once a year��

  4. I love your word Julie.

    You are a superstar! I'm so impressed by and proud of you for all your accomplishments. xoxoxoxo

    Karen @For What It's Worth


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