Thursday, May 29, 2014

Armchair BEA-- Why I read Young adult

Our final genre of discussion is one that we know is a popular one these days: books for the younger crowd, from middle grade to young adult. If you do not normally talk about this genre on your site, maybe you want to feature books that you remember impacting you during this stage in your life. If this is where you tend to gravitate, maybe you want to list your favorites, make recommendations based on genres, or feature some titles that you are excited to read coming later this year. 

I got into reading young adult because of Twilight. I also had girls and I hadn't read YA for some time. I wanted to know what now in the books because what I had was so different from what is now . I have found new authors, and there have been some amazing books. I do like to switch up between YA and adult books . Some of the books that I read and loved are : The winner's curse, we were liars, Say what you will , Forbidden, and many more. 

These are some of the books that I adore and have made my love of Young adult grow even more. Written in Red, and Easy are the only adult books that I love so much. 

The Immortal Crown

The Immortal Crown
for review
2nd in a series
May 29

Justin still has feelings for Mae, and he doesn't want to act on them because then he will do the bidding for Odin. Justin is friends with Lucien , and he invites them to go with him on a Goodwill trip to Arcadia. Mae has a vision about her niece , and wants to save her.

Justin and Mae arrive in Arcadia , and Religion is the key . IN this part of the world, there is polygamy , and girls were being sold into slavery. Justin has a mission to complete from his god, and has a experience with the Ravens. Tessa is exploring a story close to home regarding a Senator. Mae has her mission to complete.

I am growing to love this world and the mythology , and that many different religions are brought up. I love seeing the Norse Mythology and it appears to be the main one. I can't wait to see what happens next with Justin  & Mae. There were some sweet moments, and the truth did come out regarding their relationship.

Book Review= B

Thanks so much to Dutton and this is my My honest review

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Armchair BEA #14-- Growth

What do you think about when you think about going beyond blogging or expanding your horizons? Is it a redesign of your blog? Have you branched out into freelance writing or even published a novel of your very own? Or, have you moved into a different venue like pod casts or vlogging? This is the day to tell us about how you have expanded on blogging in your own unique way.

I think staying involved with other book bloggers . I think also reading books that your normally don't read is another way to grow. I had my blog designed by Rach ( parajunkee) and it still fits my life and my brand. I have had some great experiences through this blog with meeting authors, and other local bloggers... Jaime, Mindy  , and I haven't met Pabkins .  

I have decided to read when I want to, and review and schedule my reviews. This is a hobby , and while I love the perks from this hobby. I have gone back to school, and even started working part time. My life is just busy . I am happy with my blog and my life. 

While we run

While we run
Net Galley
Little Brown
for review
2nd in series
may 27

Abdi is a thirdie and this story takes place in his point of view. They both have been on tour, and acting as puppets for the SADU. The government is still working towards building an Ark. They get rescued by their friends, and dealing with the fall out from their escape.

Tegan has become a figurehead for the Save Tegan campaign. Tegan and Abdi both have trackers in them, and it also causes them pain by their handlers. With these in them, they were to perform at functions. Abdi has issues with Lat who has been helping Tegan. They are trying to stay safe.

This book has had twists and turns. This world isn't nice , and it was a wild ride. So many topics were touched upon from faith, gender, savages. I loved that the Beatles music was brought up. Abdi had such a tough outlook , but he always saw the hope in Tegan.

Book Review= B

Thanks so much to Little Brown and this is my Honest Review

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Banishing the Dark

Banishing the Dark
4th in a series
May 27

Cady and Lon have a lot to deal with in this book. This book was her learning more about her powers and her mom. Cady and Lon's relationship changes even more, and they are still in love. This was the perfect end to the series.

I was introduced this book by Karen , and have read all the others books in the series for fun. I love all the characters from Cady, Lon, Jupe, and even more characters are added to this book. I thought the ending was perfect. Cady does have some issues to deal through out the book, but she is a strong smart kick butt lady. I am going to miss these characters.

Book Review= B+

Thanks so much to Pocket for the letting me read this book and this is my Honest Review

Armchair BEA #14 -- Author Interaction

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tease Book Review

William morrow
2nd in a series
may 27

Emerson is a tease. She goes out with a girl friend to a biker bar . She gets royally drunk , and meets hot biker dude. He takes her to his place.

She doesn't want a relationship at all. She also wants to be in control with everything . She meet Shaw , and he pushes her buttons. They also have amazing connection. They are both slowly learning about each other. Em also gets an invite to the kink club along with a friend. Georgia is also having relationship issues. Pepper and Reece are still going strong. I hope that Georgia gets together with Logan.

They both deal with some family issues that come up , and they deal it together and separate. Em also is an artist , and she becomes more real with Shaw. They did have very sexy times, and he was swoon worthy.

Book Review = B

Thanks so much to William Morrow and this is my Honest Review