Monday, December 7, 2009

The Yellow House-- Book Review

When her family is torn apart by religious intolerance , personal tragedy , and explosive secrets, young Eileen O'Neill is determined to reclaim the Yellow house where they had been happy and bring her broken family back home. Eileen takes work at the local mill , through her defiance of authority often brings her trouble. As war is declared on local and global scale, Eileen cannot separate the politics from the personal impact of conflict. Her choice is complicated by the influence of two men. James Conlon, a charmastic and passionate political activist determined to win Irish freedom or Owen Sheridan , the wealthy and handsome black sheep of a pacifist family. ( back of the book)

This story takes place in Ireland and told through Eileen O'Neill point of View. The time period is about 15-20 years . There is also mention of Michael Collins and the IRA Movement.

This story takes place from 1905-1924 -- 10 chapter titles.

Eileen is telling the story and it takes place in Ulster. Her mom has a breakdown and left her father. Her brother Frankie is illegitimate. Other people end up taking care of her and Paddy. She works in the mill and crushing on Owen Sheridan.

This book is about choices, consequences, relationships, family, secrets, passions, freedom, religion, dreams.

This is first book of a first time author.

Book review =3

This book comes out Feb 15,2010 and $21.99

Thanks to Center Street for the book and this is my HONEST Review.

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